Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hospital Pictures.... Picture Overload

While we were in the hospital after Gavin was born we had such great support from family and friends. I just noticed the other day that I didn't really post many pictures of our hospital stay. This special time is something I never want to forget.

It was not fun seeing our sweet baby hooked up to so many different things.

Feeding him while in the NICU was tricky with the IV and all the other cords.

Such a proud Daddy.

Grandma.... She's still not sure what she wants to be called...

Gavin's name tag at the hospital.

Aunt Amanda

Uncle David

Grandma Draudt

Aunt Andrea

Uncle Josh

Uncle Brian, Grandpa Draudt and Eva... Eva loves Gavin to death.

Daddy gave Gavin a bath before we went home. Mommy was scared of baths for a while.

Snuggly baby <3

Family Picture.... Finally ready to go home.

So TINY!!!

They decorated our house while we were gone... so sweet.

It's A BOY!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our Weekend in Pictures (3/9-3/11)

Watched The Lion King with my glow worm and doggie.
Livin the life :)

Played until I passed out.
Took a nap on Daddy.
Tried out one of our wraps with Mommy

Brushing out teef.

My toesies are delicious.... you should try them. Mommy agrees.

Such a happy Boy!

Am I doing this right?

I'm a crazy greasy baby!

5 Months Old!

I can't believe Gavin is 5 months old and is so different from the little newborn we brought home from the hospital.

Gavin is such a happy baby. He has his moments, but with as difficult as the first few months were for him we never could have imagined how vastly different he would be.

He gives the sweetest gummy smiles... I have yet to catch a really big smile in a picture.

He has been rolling over since just before he turned 4 months. He actually rolled over the Sunday before he turned 4 months.... Daddy saw it and Mommy missed it and cried. He has been a super rollie pollie baby ever since. Luckily he doesn't seem to like to roll over when he sleeps (he did it once but it hasn't happened since).

I'm pretty sure Gavin will be sitting up very soon. He can sit up by himself for a little while before he topples over.

He loves to grab things with his hands and puts everything in his mouth. He especially loves sticking his toesies in his mouth.

Gavin still doesn't care much for taking a bottle. He's been doing a little better but it can still make things a little difficult for those who watch him during the day.

He's wearing size 2 diapers. Mostly 3-6 mo clothes with a few 0-3 mo onesies that still fit.

His skin is mostly cleared up. I still grease him up mostly just once a day. He still has problems scratching himself. His little nails are like razors no matter how short they are... so watch out! While it's not good that he scratches himself it's cute to see his little fingers move to scratch much like an actual person (not a baby) would.

Mmmm toesies.

Easter Wreaths

Yesterday Amy and I finally had a chance to get together and make our Easter wreaths. Amy is so smart and found an easy wreath for us to make. (I'm a little craftily challenged.) We had so much fun and the wreaths turned out soooo cute! THANK YOU AMY!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gavin's Baby Blessing

Gavin's baby blessing was on November 6th. He did amazingly well and either slept or was just really quiet (we can't remember). Chris had mentioned that Brooklyn started screaming and crying half way through her baby blessing and it didn't help with his nerves so I think we were both super grateful he was so calm and quiet.
Family Picture after Gavin's Blessing.
Grandma Draudt wanted to make Gavin's blessing outfit but it didn't work out so she got him a cute outfit.

After the blessing everyone came to our house for brunch. Everyone that came helped by bringing something and everything was super delicious. 

Christmas... mostly pictures... a few months late :)

Christmas was so much fun this year. We had Brooklyn for the first half of Christmas vacation which is always my favorite because we get to have her for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On Christmas eve we always open our Christmas Jammies and read the Christmas story. It's just a quick version but it helps to reminds us and teaches our children the real meaning of Christmas.
Brooklyn helped Gavin open his jammies.

This pretty much sums up Christmas. Gavin crying and Brooklyn crazy excited.

Modeling her Christmas pajamas.

Brooklyn helped make cookies for Santa.

2011 was my five year anniversary of working at the credit union and so I got a nice gift that we used as part of Christmas and we also got a $1,000 shopping spree at Dicks.... Thank you Utah First. Anyway because of this we ended up having a bigger Christmas than we normally would.
Our Christmas Tree after Santa came! Can you say Spoiled?

Christmas stockings.

Brooklyn's FAVORITE Christmas present.




Mike Wazowski

Lookin Handsome in his Christmas outfit from Grandma Draudt.