Thursday, March 8, 2012

Christmas... mostly pictures... a few months late :)

Christmas was so much fun this year. We had Brooklyn for the first half of Christmas vacation which is always my favorite because we get to have her for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On Christmas eve we always open our Christmas Jammies and read the Christmas story. It's just a quick version but it helps to reminds us and teaches our children the real meaning of Christmas.
Brooklyn helped Gavin open his jammies.

This pretty much sums up Christmas. Gavin crying and Brooklyn crazy excited.

Modeling her Christmas pajamas.

Brooklyn helped make cookies for Santa.

2011 was my five year anniversary of working at the credit union and so I got a nice gift that we used as part of Christmas and we also got a $1,000 shopping spree at Dicks.... Thank you Utah First. Anyway because of this we ended up having a bigger Christmas than we normally would.
Our Christmas Tree after Santa came! Can you say Spoiled?

Christmas stockings.

Brooklyn's FAVORITE Christmas present.




Mike Wazowski

Lookin Handsome in his Christmas outfit from Grandma Draudt.

1 comment:

  1. Your so lucky, I cant wait to have a family of my own so I can have special moments like this. I just love you guys so much!!
