Monday, November 26, 2012

Circus Birthday

Gavin's Circus birthday was a long time ago and I'm just finally getting around to posting about it. Trying to pick just a couple pictures to post was way too hard so I'm just going to post a bunch! Sorry this is a huge picture overload.

Thank you Mimi for all your help with the party!

Gavin is such a sweet boy! We are so grateful so many people were able to celebrate his birthday with us!!!

Gavin's Birthday Cake. I'm still proud of myself haha.

Mimi made the cutest cupcakes.

Chocolate mustaches.

Grandpa, Mimi and Gavin

You wish your mom was this cool.

We are a funny family.

Abby and Brooklyn were such big helpers.

Daddy helping get out the bat-mobile.

Uncle Brian is funny.

I did not teach him this.... Cell phone + driving = bad idea.

He started out not so sure how to eat his cake.

Look Ma no hands.

He dumped his cake on himself.....

But it didn't stop him.

He thought this his cake was pretty awesome too.

I can't believe I was worried he wouldn't make a mess.

Gavin shared some of his birthday cake.

Gavin gives the best dirty looks.

Silly Cousins and their Daddies.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, he is still the cutest boy ever!!!
    You are such a great mom, his party turned out so great!
