Thursday, June 6, 2013


Juneathon will have to wait till later. I prayed last night that Gavin would sleep through the night and that my eye would stop twitching. Well I must have a little faith because I think my eye stopped twitching but I obviously still need to work on my faith because Gavin most definitely did not sleep through the night haha. Needless to say I didn't get up and go running this morning. Looks like it will be an evening run for me.

I really didn't think my allergies had been bothering me much this year. I don't really remember them bothering me much last year either, but that could just be my excellent (haha) memory. Yesterday was a completely different story. I felt like my allergies hit me like a ton of bricks. I was sneezing all day, I can't breathe out of my nose and my eyes were/are so itchy. 

I was also super tired. So, when we got home for the day and Gavin went down for a nap I decided to take a little nap too. I was sort of hoping getting some extra sleep might help my eye stop twitching.

When we got up Gavin had a snack and then we played outside with Gavin's new water table from Mimi and Grandpa. He had lots of fun dumping the water on himself and playing with the water guns. He was a little wet when he got done... goodness gracious was getting that boy to put a diaper back on difficult.
He is definitely a boy :)
 After dinner we watched Daddy mow the lawn and practiced jumping.

Preparing to Jump!
Walking around the block looking for puppies and potato bugs.
Checking for Puppies.
Holding a Potato Bug. He wasn't sure how he felt about the bugs when they were crawling but he liked when they would roll up. He would pick them up and throw them into the grass. When he would find a potato bug on our walk he would stand there and point at it for me to make it roll up.
Holding the Birthday Invite we received. I think he liked it.

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin cute!! I think you should get him a puppy :)
