Friday, August 17, 2012

Sick again?

Friday out running errands as happy as can be.

Friday Gavin and I were running errands and he was just fine. Saturday morning he woke up with a little bit of a cold and Sunday he woke up wheezing, breathing really fast and shallow and worrying me. It just amazes me how quickly he can go from healthy to super sick. Not to mention get other people sick like Baby Jack (Sorry Miriam). We started using his inhaler that we got last time he was sick and it didn't seem to help a whole lot. I'm starting to wonder if he has asthma and that's why his colds seem to get out of control so quickly. It probably doesn't help that there are so many fires and the air quality is horrible.

Sunday sick as a dog :(

 Little Man is finally starting to get a little better but still has a nasty cough. Hopefully the last couple of months aren't a sign of things to come this winter (fingers crossed).

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby! I hate when he is sick, its so sad. I will cross my fingers that it doesn't get worse in the months to come!
