Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Living Planet Aquarium

This year for my birthday Chris and I took the day off. Not necessisarily to celebrate my birthday but to spend the day with our kids. I just wanted to be with my babies for my birthday and it was wonderful. (Thanks work friends for making it possible!)

We had a few options of things to do that day but I have been wanting to go to the aquarium for as long as I can remember. We have seen the billboards on the free way and I figured this would be the perfect day to go.

Have you been to The Living Planet Aquarium? If not you should go!

It is located in Sandy in an old grocery store right next to neighbor hood we used to live in... so of course I made Chris drive by it so I could take a picture.

While we were at the aquarium they fed the python, the octopus and were just getting ready to feed the penguins when we left. I'm pretty sure they knew lunch time was coming because they were all swimming around in the water and being very active. Aren't penguins so cute?

Chris and I felt the sting ray and Brooklyn and I felt the star fish. They also have baby sharks and in the same tank they have a sea turtle.... pretty awesome! There is also an exhibit that teaches you about some super cool things some fish and bugs can do. There were even some fish that can walk (I don't really know that you would call it that). They use their flippers to move around on land. I had no idea there were fish that could do this.
I think this was some kind of shrimp.

Right next to the baby shark exhibit.

The little froggies.

Daddy and Brookie

Gavin hasn't quite grasped the importance of posing for pictures yet.

Have I mentioned Big Sisters are HILARIOUS?

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I think we should go together next time, I have been wanting to go there forever
