Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma Draudt... and Andrea-Brooklyn Time

We celebrated Grandma Draudt's birthday at Texas Roadhouse last night (thanks to Matt and Mallory for arranging it). 

Besides the fact that they ran out of chicken and Matt had to change his order three times because they didn't have anything he wanted... it was great. It was fun to get together and celebrate. It's always nice to spend time with family.  (We missed Brian and Rachel and the kids since Rachel has been super sick and they were unable to make it. And Grandpa Draudt wasn't able to come because of work.)

The kids made Grandma some pictures and we got her a book. These kiddos sure love their Grandma.

We got her a fantastic book called "The Worth of a Soul: From Muslim to Mormon". The book is about Ayse Hitchens and her amazing life. Ayse is from Turkey and has such an amazing story. I don't want to give to much about the book away because you just won't believe everything that has happened to her.... and I don't want to ruin the book. You can find this book at Deseret Book

Andrea has been wanting to spend some special time with Brooklyn before she goes on her mission. Luckily is worked out perfect and they got to spend some time together yesterday. They got to feed the ducks at the park and then Andrea spoiled Brooklyn and took her to Build a Bear where she made.... uh oh I don't know if I remember her full name.... uh Rainbow... Dash... that's what her name is it's Rainbow Dash. She also got Brooklyn a leash and a house for Rainbow. She is such a sweet Aunt and all the kids love her and will miss her so much while she is gone.
(These pictures were taken by Andrea)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gavin's First Sleepover

Monday night we left Gavin and Mimi and Baka (Grandpa)'s house. Mimi has been wanting Gavin to spend the night ever since he was born but I am a crazy mom and have a hard time being away from the little guy. I decided I needed to let him go spend time and Mimi and Grandpa's house. 

They had lots of fun.

I think night was the hardest time for everyone. Gavin seems to have a hard time any time we are away from home over night. I wasn't too surprised to find out he had a hard time. Other then that they had tons of fun. Gavin enjoyed pancakes and waffles and playing with his cousin Chan. My mom said Chan was very nice and helpful with Gavin. We are so glad he was such a big helper.

They also went to the Air Force Museum but forgot the camera in the car. (Boooo... Oh well, next time.)

We all survived and I think we all quite enjoyed it. Thanks Grandpa and Mimi!

Here are the pictures they took


Kindergarten Graduation and Other Fun Stuff

Brooklyn graduated from Kindergarten yesterday. 

She is such a smart girl and I am so proud at how much she has learned this year in school. Their class demonstrated how they can count to 100, say all the days of the week and all of the months. I have heard her practice when she comes to our house and she is always so good at it all. Often when she tries to figure out what day tomorrow is she will sing the days of the week song she learned in school.

 After her graduation Chris and I had to go back to work and Mimi took Gavin and Chan to the Zoo. A short while later we got a text from Brooklyn's mom. Brooklyn has been asking to come stay at our house and now that Brooklyn is out of school she doesn't mind if she spends a week night with us. So, as soon as I got off work I picked her up and we headed to the Zoo... unfortunately when we got there the boys were done so we met them at This Is The Place in the gift shop. 
It's a little blurry but she wouldn't let me take another picture.... even though she thought it was hilarious.
Once we met up we headed to The Gateway for a treat and a movie. We got some delicious frozen yogurt at Juicy Berry.

We played in the fountains just a little, but not too much. We didn't want to be wet and cold for the movie so we didn't go too crazy. 
Brooklyn didn't decide that she actually wanted to run through the water until Chan had to go to the bathroom so they didn't actually run though the water at the same time.

I decided to take off Gavin's shorts because they got really wet and then he wanted everything off. I guess that's one benefit of being a baby. No one cares if you're naked :)
They were holding hands and walking until Brooklyn realized I was trying to take a picture. She was so embarrassed lol.

We saw the movie "Epic". It was a cute show. I've heard mixed reviews. I would say it was better then "Thumbelina" but not as good as "Toy Story". Gavin slept through most of the movie so we all got to actually see the movie... which was great!
After the movie we loaded up and headed home. It was raining really hard but we got to see a beautiful double rainbow on our way. 
At home we got ready for bed and then Brooklyn painted my nails and hers with her new polish. It was a pretty glittery gold. She is getting really good at painting nails. Unfortunately it washes off in water cause it looked pretty cute. 

Brooklyn said the sweetest family night time prayer. She asked that the Holy Spirit could be with us and guide us and that out bodies can stay clean and that when they get dirty we can clean them. It's so fun to watch Brooklyn learn things about the gospel. Sometimes it reminds me of when children first learn to talk they don't always say things quite right but overtime with guidance they figure it out. 

Silly banana boy.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Your Top Three Worst Traits

Day 24

I missed yesterday I just wasn't feeling like blogging. I feel a little... blocked. Nothing is coming to me. I have no words. Yesterdays topic was things you've learned that school didn't teach you.... and nothing came to me so I just skipped it. Not that I haven't learned anything outside of school I just couldn't think of what to write or how to write it.  Oh well.

Alright on to today.

Numero Uno... I would say my worst trait is being too timid or... well, a pushover. I let people walk all over me. People will do things or say thing or take credit for my work and I just let it happen. I have gotten a little better over the years but it's still something I struggle with.

#2- I am unorganized. Not with everything, but I have a hard time organizing my house.

#3- I am shy. I am not good at making new friends and I've heard that sometimes people think I'm stuck up but really it's just that I'm shy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Brooklyn played soccer this spring and I am amazed at how well she did. I was really quite shocked. (Can I say that? haha) She's just a girlie girl and when we walk around for a while asks to be carried because her legs hurt. I just had a hard time picturing her wanting to run around for an hour... I guess chasing a ball makes it more fun.

We went to her last soccer game of the spring season last night and she was fantastic!

I was so impressed that she kept up with the ball and wasn't afraid to get up there with the other (bigger) kids. I guess (I wasn't there) she got smacked in the face with a ball in one of her first games and yet she still got out there and played and asked for the ball. Last night she got hit in the arm and looked over at everyone almost to decide if she should be upset or not and then told everyone "I'm alright, it didn't even hurt." She is such a brave girl. 

What I loved even more was any time anyone else got hurt she would make sure they were okay by patting them on the back or helping them get up off the ground. That must be her big sister/motherly instinct showing through. She is such a sweet girl. 

Gavin had so much fun watching his big sister play soccer. He said "ball" and "Bookin" the whole time. He sure loves his big sister.

Pictures were taken by Chris because I was a genius and left my phone and camera at home. Thanks Chris!