Monday, May 6, 2013

Frontrunner Adventure

I've been wanting to try riding FrontRunner for a while but was a little nervous to try doing it with Gavin by myself not knowing if he would sit still or scream or what would happen.... and the though of missing a train and being stuck wherever was also a deterrent.  I had thought about trying last week and told Chris if I called him crying he would need to come pick us up.

So.... with a spur of the minute decision Saturday afternoon we decided to take a little trip to City Creek. I was excited to try riding FrontRunner and Trax for the very first time.
This is what I get lately when I tell Gavin to say cheese. He is so funny!
Too much going on to look for the picture... or smile lol.
Loving the ride.

Gavin loves looking at himself when he has his picture taken and loves looking at the pictures after you take them.

Gavin quite enjoyed himself. 

On the way back we had to wait for a half an hour for FrontRunner since we didn't plan our trip very well. We saw a few cargo trains pass while we were waiting and I think Gavin was way more excited to see those then he was to ride front runner. One of the train conductors (?) even rang a bell when he saw Gavin waving. It was fun. 

Besides the fun train ride I even found a dress for $15! What a successful weekend. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. I totally need to take a ride with Gavin, he makes it look so much more fun than I had it pictured it would be. He is so happy!
