Friday, May 24, 2013

Your Top Three Worst Traits

Day 24

I missed yesterday I just wasn't feeling like blogging. I feel a little... blocked. Nothing is coming to me. I have no words. Yesterdays topic was things you've learned that school didn't teach you.... and nothing came to me so I just skipped it. Not that I haven't learned anything outside of school I just couldn't think of what to write or how to write it.  Oh well.

Alright on to today.

Numero Uno... I would say my worst trait is being too timid or... well, a pushover. I let people walk all over me. People will do things or say thing or take credit for my work and I just let it happen. I have gotten a little better over the years but it's still something I struggle with.

#2- I am unorganized. Not with everything, but I have a hard time organizing my house.

#3- I am shy. I am not good at making new friends and I've heard that sometimes people think I'm stuck up but really it's just that I'm shy.


  1. You are not stuck up!
    I love who you are, and you are my best friend. You are just... selective :)
