Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Day in The Life

Day 15

These pictures are actually a mixture of two different days.... last half of one day first half of another....

I usually wake up a half an hour before my alarm goes off and change the time so I don't have to 'wake up' so early. But then I really just lay (awake) in bed for a while, turn my alarm off before it actually goes off and get up for the day.
Some of us didn't sleep so well last night. He must have had some bad dreams or something....either way he ended up in our bed.
I get up and get ready, shower, hair, makeup, get dressed and head downstairs. I get Gavin's oatmeal ready. Fix both boys some lunch. Try to get the diaper bag ready and realize there aren't any diapers downstairs. Run upstairs to tell Chris he'll have to get diapers for the bag before he leaves and say goodbye and run out the door. Just to realize the car seat is still in my car.... running late!!!! (Sometimes Chris gets Gavin's stuff all ready by himself and sometimes I don't make lunch for anyone. And sometimes I get Gavin ready in the morning.... things change.... we're flexible :)

Then it's off to work. I answer phones, help people with their needs and take care of operational stuff in the branch.

When my work day is over I head home to my little munchkin.

After saying goodbye to Mimi we head outside.

Gavin loves being outside. We first tried to blow bubbles which didn't last long. Gavin insisted he hold the stick and blow the bubbles but he didn't really get many bubbles since he just wanted to wave the wand around really crazy. I got tired of trying to do bubbles so we got the baby pool out.

I thought we could use the water from the previous day but after trying to get all the bugs out I decided to just dump it and start over.

Of course you have to splash the water while you fill up the pool. Once the pool was filled we splashed and watched the planes fly by, and threw all the toys out of the pool and then back into the pool.... ya know, all  sorts of fun stuff.

After a while we decided to get out and run to the store to get a few things we needed. (Still can't find grapefruit spoons. We must be looking in the wrong place.)
This boy is so funny. He kicked off one shoe on accident so we put both of them in my purse. He kept laying his head back on the toilet paper and saying "baby". I think he must have been pretending he was a baby in a car seat.

After the store I let Gavin eat a Popsicle while I unloaded everything. It's so much easier to do things if he's preoccupied with something else. The both of us then started to get dinner ready. We cut the potatoes, rubbed a little butter on them and popped them into the oven, marinated the chicken and prepared the salad.

Gavin is such a big helper. Putting extra potatoes on the pan.

Daddy got home and finished up by grilling the chicken for us.
Potatoes a-la-pinterest, with grilled chicken and salad. Mmmmm
After dinner we had to get ready and go to a church meeting.
You can see I was carrying my giant mom bag.

After our Church meeting we stopped by Arctic Circle for some ice cream.... it was just too hot in our house not to have some ice cream.

When we got home we snuggled a little bit watched some America's Funniest Home Video's and then it was time for the little man to go to bed.
Chris always puts Gavin to bed. We have prayer downstairs and then Gavin gives us both loves and blows me kisses on his way upstairs with Daddy. Daddy turns on his stars and music as he puts him to bed.
After we watch some news it's bedtime for us too. We go to sleep and get ready to start the whole thing again in the morning.

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