Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brooklyn is a Funny Girl

Chris gets to take Brooklyn out once a week. Last night we got to take her out to eat with my family and my Sisters' Grandparents (who are super nice and spoil us).

When we got there Amanda's Grandma asked Brooklyn if she remembered that she knew her and Brooklyn told her no. She then told her that she knew her and her big brown eyes. Brooklyn's response was "They're not brown they're green." Grandma said "Oh they're green today?" Brooklyn "No they're green every day."

Brooklyn's little brother was born last week and so she was telling us all about him. She said they put him on the scale and weighed him but she didn't remember how much he weighed.

Me: Six pounds?
Brooklyn: No
Me: Seven Pounds?
Brooklyn: No
Me: Eight Pounds?
Brooklyn: Yeah that's what he did but not anymore.

We found out the baby weighed around seven pounds so I'm not sure where she got eight pounds.

She said he pees on everything. She told us "He peed on my blues clues pants and I was SO mad."

When we took her back her mom came out with the baby and Brooklyn told us "It's okay if you take turns."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Chris!

This year to celebrate Chris's birthday we went with the fam to Park City. We have fun going every year and it was even more fun this year taking Brooklyn. She was so excited and loved both the slide and the coaster. She is growing up way too fast.