Friday, May 28, 2010

Excited for the Weekend!

I am so excited for this long weekend. We have Brooklyn for this holiday weekend and both Chris and I have Monday off. Its going to be fabulous.

We're going camping with my family. My parents decided to go camping up American Fork canyon somewhere because there would be hopefully less snow.

....At least that's what I thought they were doing. I guess they picked a campground that still has snow and the campground hosts (or whatever they're called) have seen bear tracks the last couple of days.

I'm hoping our camping venture isn't too exciting.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adventures at the Movies

Monday night Chris and I had a date. We went to The Spaghetti Factory and saw Letters to Juliet. Dinner was wonderfully delicious and very fast. I was worried we wouldn't have time to go to a sit down place for dinner before the movie... but we did and we had plenty of time.

After dinner we headed over to the movie. We were probably 30 minutes early which was fine with me. There was only one other couple in the theater when we got there and they were sitting in the very middle of the theater so we decided to sit on the top row in the middle... great seats. Being a Monday night I thought there wouldn't be very many people but I was wrong.

Right before the movie started tons of people came in and most of the seats were filled. The movie starts and guess what happens. This group of ladies comes in and asks Chris if we would mind moving... I really wish I would have thought about this before I moved.

We moved down about three seats next to a girl eating a pickle and closer to the guy with the nasty cologne that permeated the entire theater. Then the ladies that asked us to move were really loud and obnoxious the entire movie, acting like they were at home watching the movie. They laughed at parts that weren't funny and shared their opinions with each other a little too loudly.

At one point the girl with the pickle's cell phone rang. The girl in front of us got out her phone and was texting someone. Chris also said one of the ladies that asked us to move got out her cell phone too.

I don't understand... Why is this okay?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I thought you were being nice...

This past weekend when we had Brooklyn, her mom sent her with some cucumbers which supposedly she loves.... she didn't seem to love them at our house.

Saturday night we asked her if she wanted some cucumbers and she said yes. So, we put some on a plate for her. She was taking forever to eat them and didn't really seem interested in them and kept turning around. She wanted some tortilla chips and I told her she could have some once she finished her cucumbers. I ended up putting them away because she wasn't eating them just playing.

Brooklyn : I want some chips.

Me: Nope, you can't have any chips right now because you didn't finish your cucumbers.

Brooklyn: But.. I will finish them.

Me: We already gave you two chances. You can try again in a little bit.

Brooklyn: (Crying starts) Jessica I thought you were being nice to me.

At this point it was probably good that she ran to her room cause it made both me and Chris laugh.... its hard not to laugh at your kids sometimes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Zoo

We went to the Zoo last weekend... it was so busy! I've never been to the zoo when it was that busy. I think maybe it had something to do with it being the opening weekend for the Natures Nightmares (which was not worth the line we stood in).

The zoo no longer has bears, lions, hippos or zebras. I also think they must have moved their penguins to the Aquarium in Sandy because they only had a couple of penguins and they both looked sick.

Getting to watch them train a leopard and feed the giraffes a treat totally made up for all the animals being gone.

Brooklyn told us all of the animals were sad because " They miss their mommy". Brookie had so much fun seeing all of the animals and walking around with her Aunt Amanda and Lauren. It totally wore her out. She didn't get the chance to take a nap before we got to the zoo. When we left she fell asleep before we even got out of the parking lot. Poor little Booger... we sure do love her.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Clogging Shoes!!!

I did it... Today I went out and got some shoes for Brooklyn and they're putting the taps on right now!!! Eeek! I'm so excited :) I think she's going to love them.

I'll have to post some pictures or a video later.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Things on my want list...


First of all Chris and I have been wanting to get Brooklyn some clogging shoes. She always talks about her dancing shoes and we think she would really like it. We're hoping that maybe if we get Brooklyn excited about it maybe she'll talk to her mom enough about it that she'll put her in lessons. It stinks that we don't really get to decide what she is involved in since we only get her every other weekend.

I also want to try to get back into clogging. I clogged for most of my life and actually started when I was around Brooklyn's age. I know there is a clogging studio in Orem so I emailed them and hopefully I'll figure something out. Clogging is also really good exercise and is much more fun then going to the gym (in my opinion anyway).

Family pictures

I really want to get family pictures taken. I feel bad that all the pictures we have hung in our apartment are of me and Chris from our wedding. Its crazy to think it's almost been a year since we were married and we have all changed so much in the past year.... its just time for new pictures.

Our wedding photographer spoiled us... he is one of Chris's mission buddies so we got a really good price and he took lots of amazing pictures. Unfortunately he moved to Colorado (I think) and so it would be a little difficult for him to take our family pictures. Ugh


I want to go on a Vacation! We had thought about going somewhere for our anniversary... California or Vegas. I'm hoping maybe we can go somewhere for a couple of days.

We've talked to my parents about the possibility of taking a trip to Disneyland later in the year.... I think a certain little girl I know would really like that.

My Hair.

For a long time I've been having trouble with my hair not turning out the color that I want it. I always say I want a blackbrown color but somehow it always ends up a medium brown color. And I don't know if my hair is growing really fast or if the color is just not sticking to my hair... I have a faint skunk stripe where my part is. Luckily its not grey yet. I'm thinking about just trying to dye it black and maybe when it fades a little it will be the right color. Meh we'll see :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Long time no post.

I haven't posted in a long time. I have had a few friends who... it wasn't directed at me... but they have complained that people only post about their children and post lots of pictures and it made me feel self consious about posting. I feel like I do post a lot about Brooklyn but the weekends we have her are usually the weekends that we do exciting things.

So.... What's new in the Draudts lives:


Chris's work started being open Saturday nights. It pretty much stinks the only nice thing I have found is the extra overtime on his paychecks.

Hockey ended and his team wasn't able to get back together for the summer. They gave him a list of people that wanted to play hockey but didn't have a team and most of the people either couldn't play for the summer or had already found a team. He was a little bummed about it.


Brookie is growing so fast. She loves to sing and dance and run around. We've taken her ice skating and she did really well. She enjoys playing with her cousins and Mike and Debbie. We've suggested to her that she call them Grandma and Grandpa but she prefers to call them Mike and Debbie.

It must be confusing to her to have so many people in her life. While she was here last weekend I asked her what I was and she said "My Aunt?" I tried to explain to her that I'm her step mom just like her other Dad is her Step Dad. I'm not quite sure she understood.


I have been doing weight watchers since about October and let me tell you it really works. I've lost a good amount of weight... I still have a ways to go. Weight watchers has message boards on their website where you can go for support. I read the message boards durring the slow times at work. Just like I am with most things I tend to lurk more then I post. Lately I've feel like a creepy stalker because I know way to much about some of the peoples lives that post lol.

A lot of times when I tell Chris stories he asks if I heard it from the weight watchers boards... many times he's right.

One day a girl on the weight watchers boards posted a link to a blog so I clicked on it and read all about this girl and her giving birth. She is pretty funny and seems to be pretty accident prone. While she was pregnant she pee'd her pants at the grocery store and passed out in a Banana Republic. Here is a link to her blog if you have some spare time