Friday, August 29, 2014

Wheeler Farm

Gavin and I got to go to Wheeler Farm with Juliana, one of my old roommates from Disney World. Let me just say I'm so glad the rest of her family moved to Utah so she has a reason to come to Utah. I'm also pretty sure she's the only roommate from Florida I've kept in any sort of contact with. haha

Gavin was so funny on the way to the farm he kept telling me I can't see Jul-ee-ana and he told me he wasn't going to be shy.... he was. Julie also brought her super cute niece along which made things extra fun for Gavin.

Feeding the ducks and the geese.
Checking out Mr. Goat.
Of course we had to get an ice cream :)
Hanging out in the playhouse. They were so cute. Too bad two minutes later he smashed his face and gave himself a bloody lip.
On our way home with a fat lip.
Thank you so much Julie for hanging out with us at the farm!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I Had A Birthday.... Hooray!

Aren't birthday's the best?! ... Well besides the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm at the point that I don't want to get older ha ha.

This year Grandpa Draudt's work summer Lagoon party fell on the day before my birthday so we got to have some fun as a family. Daddy took Brooklyn on a lot of the bigger rides while I took Gavin on the smaller rides so that's why I have more pictures of him. Everyone had lots of fun. Gavin loved all the rides and was a little bummed he was too small for some of the rides. Brooklyn's favorite was Wicked... I still can't believe she's tall enough. We also got to see the awesome Bosque show they had going on.... it was incredible. 

Nice and wet after the "fishy" ride.

We all got pretty wet but Grandma and Brooklyn got the worst of it.

Saturday was my work summer party at the Bee's baseball game. We love going to baseball games and we had so much fun. 

Sunday Chris helped the kids decorate a birthday cake for me. Chris did the basic frosting and the writing. Brooklyn did the borders and Gavin did the sprinkles. I think they did a fantastic job. 


Thank you to everyone for coming to celebrate my birthday. 

Our last weekend with Brooklyn... I can't believe summer is over. Anyway...We took the kids to one last day at Seven Peaks which was super fun. Gavin was a little nervous about going on the big slide but after we went down the first time he wanted to go again. 

Chris took the kids to the Ninja Turtles movie which they thoroughly enjoyed and came home singing "m-c Mikey". After we delivered the nightmare cake we stopped at Cabelas to see the the fishies and animals. We then stopped to pick up a backpack and some school supplies for the big second grader... wishing I would have take a picture of her with her backpack. Brooklyn is growing and learning so much she still doesn't like to read much but she is getting better and most of the time can sound things out when we make her read haha. I know she is going to do well this year and can't wait to see what she learns.

She chose this outfit because she wanted to look like Mimi.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I Love My Family

I have been awful at updating our family blog. I feel like we've been so busy living life and starting my cake business I haven't had much time to post about the things we've done. 

Summer is such a fun time because we get to spend extra time with little Miss Brooklyn. We couldn't get away this summer but we've tried to do some fun things with the kids. 

We went to the newly redone.... added on to Bean Museum at BYU. The museum was so nice I didn't remember how morbid some of the animal scenes were. There were a lot of Lions eating other animals haha.

On Pioneer day we got to go to the big Days of '47 parade in Salt Lake and thanks to my work we had front row seats and breakfast and we didn't even have to spend the night on the street. It was awesome. Both of our munchkins love parades. 
Cookies for the giveaway. Yum!
For Chris's birthday he wanted an old school Mario cake. I love the themes he chooses for his birthdays. I'm married to a big kid. 

We checked out the new Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point. The kids loved it. I feel like there should be more of a limit on how many people they let in at a time. I figured since we went on a Monday ...during the day it wouldn't be too crowded but there were soooo many people. They have some fun things but there were so many kids there that my kids weren't able to play with some of the things. I think my favorite things about the museum were the rope bridges and walking around in the gardens.

For Chris's work party we got to go to the new Aquarium. It is so much bigger than the old one. Both kids got to touch a stingray, I also touched a shark and Brooklyn and I both got to touch a starfish. It was nice having the whole place to just Chris's company. Gavin decided about two minutes after we left the aquarium that he wanted to touch the starfish.... I guess he'll just have to do that next time.
My phone was dying so all my pictures are crummy.

We went to the Ogden Temple open house. It was so beautiful. The outside looks nothing like the old temple. I love that we were able to go and take our children and help teach them the importance of Temples. I love that Gavin while we were inside asked "What is this place?". Temples are such special place and because of temples I get to be with my family forever. I'm so glad that my children can recognize that it's a special place even if they don't completely understand it yet.


It was so bright!


This weekend Chris helped the kids make a water park in the backyard. We tried to find a slip in slide but since we couldn't find one they made their own. Chris is such a good dad and the kids love playing with him.

And a few extra pics that don't fit anywhere.

Gavin got a bee on his nose that didn't sting him but wouldn't fly away until I flicked it off.... it was crazy!

Brooklyn loves her potato bugs.

Church was rough on Sunday.... thankfully it was the last Sunday before Gavin can go back to nursery (as long as he doesn't get sick knock on wood)