Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years

We didn't make plans for New Years eve but we had so much fun. Let me tell you... everyone should try sing star it is so much fun. I'm getting ahead of myself.

We figured out that Pier 49 (the pizza place) makes gluten free pizza. So we went and got gluten free pizza... mmmm and some Burger King because the pizza was a little smaller then we were planning on. After we ate Chris got out his Madden 2010 game that I got him for Christmas. We played a game and I won. I intercepted the football like five times... I'm amazing :) We then played sing star (a playstation game). Its a karaoke game and you get points according to how well you do.... so funny. My favorite was when we sang Respect Chris told me he had to sing it funny but that he scores really well on the song; which he did. He was pretty good. I think I might get embarrassed playing the game around anyone that really had talent lol.

Friday morning we got up and headed to Layton to go skiing with my family. We went to Wolf Mountain which is just a little ski resort but it was perfect for Chris's first time. He did so well for his first time. He fell a few times but definitely less then I did the first time I went skiing. I'm excited to go skiing with him again.


We had Brooklyn for Christmas this year. We only get her for Christmas day every other year. It was so much fun. Christmas is so much better with kids around. Brooklyn was so excited for
Santa to come and eat her cookies. She kept telling us that Santa was going to come wake her up.

It was so fun to wake up on Christmas morning and have her walk out and see all the toys Santa left. We also got her a Cinderella (barbie like) doll and a Snow White doll. She dressed up as Cinderella for Halloween and her cousin dressed up as Snow White. She got so excited when opening the dolls. As soon as she figured out what it was she was shaking and opened the gift so much faster; it was really cute.

After we finished opening gifts we ate breakfast and hurried and got ready and went to Grandma and Grandpa Draudts and to Grandpa Mike and Grandma Debbie's house. It was such a wonderful day!