Friday, May 10, 2013

Most Embarrassing Moment(s).

Day 10

I have way too many embarrassing moments to remember them all. I saw that this was coming a few days ago and I've been trying to remember my most embarrassing moment and I think I've come up with a few. The problem is with my embarrassing moments I will remember them long after they happen and still feel so embarrassed... even if I'm the only one that remembers it. (Although I'm sure Chris still remembers my most embarrassing moment too.)

A lot of my embarrassing moments include me thinking people are talking to me or waving to me when they're really waving or talking to someone behind me. Or thinking I know who someone is (obviously not someone I know well) and it's really someone else... which happened just last week and I still feel dumb.

One of my most embarrassing moments was happened a few years ago when Blink 182 came into town. We went to the concert, which was great. I had a friend from my neighborhood growing up that played drums in one of the opening bands.  After the concert I went to tell him he did a great job. I thought I would introduce Chris to him.... who is also a drummer. What I didn't realize was Chris wasn't following me. When I went to introduce Chris to my friend and put my arm around this guy that was standing next to/behind me. It wasn't Chris at all. It was some stranger. Luckily he was really nice about it and didn't seem to care. I was so embarrassed. I still kind of am embarrassed.

What would be nice is if I could say that was the only time something like that has happened. I would say that was the worst incident. But, I'm pretty sure I wasn't paying attention one time at a family birthday party at our apartment and started to do something like that to his brother... or maybe I just stood close thinking it was Chris. I don't really remember the specifics. Still... embarrassing!

I really can't be to blame in this I think it runs in my family. My Mom almost pinched a stranger (like came within inches of his rear end) in a store thinking it was my Dad... so obviously I've learned well.

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