Thursday, April 9, 2009

Its been a while...

Chris told me to update our blog... so I figured I could write a little something. Things have been nice and stressful. We set a date for our reception for June 26th and hopefully everything will go through in order for us to get married on that day too. We booked a cruise to the Bahamas for our honeymoon and we are both very excited. Things are coming together nicely. We're taking our engagement pictures on the 28th and are still deciding on what to do about invitations. Looking for an apartment has definitely been an adventure. We found a place last night that we really like. We just have to wait for a few weeks as the landlord is out of town. We're keeping our fingers crossed and hopefully she'll like us.

We're going to the Jazz game on Saturday. I'll write more and post pictures then.


  1. Geez, not even married and he's ordering you around.... ;) Glad things are coming together for you.

  2. Hey! I found your blog! Ours is!

  3. The Bahamas?!? How fun!!! Glad wedding plans are coming along... there are always so many details to work out but it sure is a fun time in life. Good luck with everything!
