Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quick Update

I have a few things that I need to blog about. We took a trip to Wyoming a couple weeks ago. Amy and my Mom threw a baby shower for me (I got some awesome things). I really will blog about all of this and put pictures up... even though I hate pictures of myself right now.

Anyway I just had to post about my doctor appointment yesterday.

My friend Paige was due on Friday and she still hasn't had her baby so I was asking the doctor about how long over he would let me go. He said that with how I've progressed he highly doubts I'll go over but the closer I get to my due date the more we would talk about that. The nurse said the most he would let anyone go over is a week. I really hope that isn't a concern for me.

After talking to the doctor and he listened to the heart beat and that was all good. He checked for dilation and I'm still 80% effaced (I've been there for 3 weeks) 2 1/2 cm dilated. I forgot to ask what station until I'd already left the doctors office last week I was at a -2 station. I've basically gained a half of a centimeter every week which seems to be nice progress. The doctor said if he were to take a guess he would say the baby will come in around a week and a half. I'm so excited I could hardly sleep last night. I really hope he's right :)


  1. Jess! Congratulations. I am so happy and excited for you. I am sure you have had that little bundle of joy by now. You will be an incredible mom. Post pics when you get a chance.

  2. Okay this is getting really sad, you haven't posted in 2 mount's!! You have a sweet cute baby now and I need to read about him! Now go blog please.
