Wednesday, March 14, 2012

5 Months Old!

I can't believe Gavin is 5 months old and is so different from the little newborn we brought home from the hospital.

Gavin is such a happy baby. He has his moments, but with as difficult as the first few months were for him we never could have imagined how vastly different he would be.

He gives the sweetest gummy smiles... I have yet to catch a really big smile in a picture.

He has been rolling over since just before he turned 4 months. He actually rolled over the Sunday before he turned 4 months.... Daddy saw it and Mommy missed it and cried. He has been a super rollie pollie baby ever since. Luckily he doesn't seem to like to roll over when he sleeps (he did it once but it hasn't happened since).

I'm pretty sure Gavin will be sitting up very soon. He can sit up by himself for a little while before he topples over.

He loves to grab things with his hands and puts everything in his mouth. He especially loves sticking his toesies in his mouth.

Gavin still doesn't care much for taking a bottle. He's been doing a little better but it can still make things a little difficult for those who watch him during the day.

He's wearing size 2 diapers. Mostly 3-6 mo clothes with a few 0-3 mo onesies that still fit.

His skin is mostly cleared up. I still grease him up mostly just once a day. He still has problems scratching himself. His little nails are like razors no matter how short they are... so watch out! While it's not good that he scratches himself it's cute to see his little fingers move to scratch much like an actual person (not a baby) would.

Mmmm toesies.

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