Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Brooklyn the Ice Skating Princess

Chris played hockey over the summer and whenever we took Brooklyn to the games with us she constantly told me how she wanted to go ice skating because as she explained she was four and that meant she could ice skate now. We had taken her skating before and it hadn't turned out so well with tears and everything.

Well... She was right! Apparently being four (at this point she was almost five) means you can ice skate!

Audrey and Mckenna were so patient and helped Brooklyn out so much. By the end of this one day of skating Brooklyn was skating all by herself without any help. She is growing up so much I can't even believe it. We were so proud of out little skater.

Birthday Parties :)

After we went ice skating Brooklyn decided she wanted ice skates and an ice skate dress for her birthday. So we decided to surprise her with an ice skating Birthday Party. She had been talking about having a surprise birthday party for weeks but when we actually did it she was a little taken back and shy about the whole thing.

Chris and I got her Ice Skates and and a Sleeping Beauty ice skate dress for her birthday. She was so excited to have her very own skates that looked just like Audrey and Mckenna's skates. She was also just besides herself about the dress. After she opened it we went in to the bathroom so she could change into the dress and she was shaking she was so excited. It was so wonderful how everything went.

Grandma Debbie made an Ice Skate cake which turned our awesome! We love Brooklyn so much and we're so grateful for all of our families that love and support her.

1 comment:

  1. She for sure skates better than I did :) Maybe its the dress, I will have to look into getting myself one :)
