Monday, March 18, 2013

Park Picnic and Sheels

This weekend was so much fun. Gavin gets so excited when his big sister comes. They are so cute together! 

Saturday morning we all got up and got ready and went to the park for a picnic breakfast. Daddy and the kids had bagels with cream cheese and fruit and I went for a run. We had so much fun throwing balls and riding scooters and playing on the playground.  It was a little windy but still such a nice day. We are so ready for warm weather and we all love being outside!

We also made it over to Sheels. We hadn't been over there before and had a great time. It seemed like a cross between Cabelas and Dicks. It was fun to watch the Ferris wheel and see the fish tank.
The fish tank was awesome and they had a someone in the tanks scrubbing everything with a toothbrush.

I love this picture and his cheesy grin. Gavin loves trying on hats and we couldn't find a BYU hat in the right size but this UofU hat fit perfect.

The flash on my phone is so bright so I get a lot of pictures like this.
Gavin was in heaven with a hockey stick and more balls than he had ever seen. He would pick up one ball and drop it on the ground and pick up another and do the same thing. His sister thought it was pretty funny and was good enough to pick up the balls.

Gavin wasn't so sure about the bear. Brookie on the other hand loved the bear but wouldn't go near the robotic Abraham Lincoln. She wouldn't even stand close enough for me to get a picture. haha

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