Monday, April 8, 2013

Kids Birthday Cakes for Mimi

Things were kind of busy over Mimi's birthday with getting ready and heading to St. George so we celebrated a little late. (We did have a get together a week before but didn't have time to do anything for her.) I figured it would be fun to have the kids make something for her so they made cakes. 

We started with finger paint. I decided to start with the Little Miss because I know she can hold still-ish. I used a paint brush and painted finger paint onto her hand. I painted the palm and her thumb the same color for the cake and her fingers different colors for the candles. Once her hand was all painted we very carefully pressed her hand on a piece of card-stock paper and then lifted it straight up as to not smear.

With Gavin it was a little trickier. I didn't use paint brushes I just used my finger to apply the paint and Chris helped me hold his little fingers. I also didn't paint his thumb.

Once the hand prints were finished we let them dry for a little bit. 

I also painted on the flames. I did this quickly and sneakily because I just wanted to get it on there and knew someone would want to help haha. 
Gavin's hand print definitely didn't come out as cleanly as Brooklyn's.
 After the paint dried completely we added some glitter embellishments with crayola glitter glue because everything is better with glitter!

Brooklyn added her own glitter. They turned out so cute!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cute idea. I hope you remember these around May :)
