Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We Can Do Hard Things

My heart is full.

I'm not quite sure where to start. I don't want to make this about me because it's not.

I have seen so many people go through so many hard things recently. I know people go through hard things all the time.

In a talk given by President Eyring he shared some advice he once received that “When you meet someone, treat them as if they were in serious trouble, and you will be right more than half the time.”

The last few weeks I have become so much more aware of the truth of that advice. I need to judge less and show kindness more.

We went to get food last night and I forgot that I had my visitor sticker on my shirt from the hospital. This sweet woman standing in line in front of us noticed my sticker and asked what it was for. She thought maybe we had been volunteering. We told her what had happened. Our sweet cousin was hit by a car on Saturday and is in the ICU at Primary Children's Hospital. After we got our food the woman told us that if we would tell her his name that she would pray for him. I was so touched that this stranger would ask and that she would pray for Jared.

Here is the KSL Article about the accident.

I know Jared's family has been the recipient of many prayers and I know they have offered many prayers as well. I see his parents and family and I am amazed at their strength. Jared has a long road ahead of him and he will definitely need those prayers.

Jared's friend Courtney Osborn didn't make it and my heart aches for her parents. They were able to help many other people by donating her organs. What a wonderful gift for her to be able to give.

I am so grateful for my family and for the Gospel. I am thankful that I have the knowledge that I do about this life and after this life and that our families can be forever. I am so grateful that we can lean on the Lord during hard times and that he will lift us up. With His help we can do all that is required of us.

I just wanted to add a couple of good articles/talks on this subject:

I Can Do Hard Things (more of a children's story)
A Return to Virtue

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