Monday, February 2, 2015

Baby Sweetie IS A......

Girl!!! We are so excited!!!

I have also been banned from reading anything on the internet about this pregnancy. I have had the worst anxiety and finding out my placenta is too close to my cervix and that Baby Sweetie has fluid on her kidneys didn't help. Gavin had fluid on his kidneys and he is just fine. The doctor mentioned this time that it could be a sign of down syndrome... which he didn't mention when I was pregnant with Gavin. I think my hormones are crazy. I was looking to find information on exercising while pregnant if you have placenta previa and that was a bad idea... I found out way too much information and by the end I had come to the conclusion that I will probably die and my baby will have lots of problems. In talking to other people though I've found that it can be fairly common and often resolves itself before the baby comes and even if it doesn't I'll probably just have to have my c-section a week earlier than I was planning on. Sooooo yeah don't read things on the internet!

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