Monday, September 9, 2013

This Kid Cannot Catch A Break

This kid cannot catch a break I swear. Friday he had some kind of asthma attack thing. I'm not sure if it was from an allergic reaction to something or if it was from a cold. 

Normally Gavin looks like this....

Not Friday. He had slept most of the day at Grandma's house and when I got there he was really struggling to breath and coughing a lot. He coughed so much in the car he threw up and I was super worried he was going to asphyxiate on his vomit and made Grandpa pull over. When we got home I used the nebulizer on him which makes me nervous too. Giving him breathing treatments is not getting easier. He fights so hard and I had to restrain him and I just bawled the whole time. It's so hard to hold your child down even if it's what's best for them. 

After the breathing treatment Gavin slept off and on the rest of the day and wouldn't eat or drink and was really just miserable. When he was sleeping I checked on him every couple of minutes to make sure he was breathing. Using the nebulizer really makes me nervous. We used it again in the middle of the night. 

In the morning when we got up Gavin just stayed in bed and would hardly move and wouldn't talk to me at all. I would ask him questions and try to talk to him but he wouldn't say anything. I finally made him take a shower with me. When he works really hard to breath he sweats and was super sticky from the day before he was not happy but after the shower he seemed to flip a switch and was walking around and talking. He was still breathing shallow and fast but not as bad as the day before and seemed to have a little more life to him. 

I am so grateful for the Priesthood in our home and that Chris was able to give him a blessing. I'm thankful for Heavenly Father answering my prayers and giving me the strength to take care of our baby. 

Fridays are stressful. Ha ha The rest of the weekend was alright. Nights seem to be the worst but he slept through the night last night so he's definitely on the mend.

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