Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, Monday

Monday was an interesting day. 

When I got home from work we (Gavin, Brooklyn, Mimi and I) went to a splash pad in Eagle Mountain. I hadn't really heard anything about it besides that there was a splash pad out there. So... we decided to check it out. 

So far I think the splash pad in Kaysville is my favorite but the kids still had fun in Eagle Mountain. Some of the water sprays a little too hard in Eagle Mountain and the water doesn't seem to drain super well. But, like I said, we still had lots of fun and it was a great way to cool down in the hot, hot weather.

When we got home we had dinner and the rest of the night didn't go quite like I envisioned... not that I really had anything in mind.

On the way home I said something about stopping to get the stuff to make taco's and Brooklyn told us she wanted Del Taco instead... I figured it wasn't a big deal so that's what we got. Gavin seemed to be starving so we hurried in the house and everyone sat down and we had a prayer and started eating. Gavin seemed to be alright once he got his burrito but then he started pulling at the tortilla and me thinking I would help him pulled off a little piece of the tortilla for him.... that was a huge mistake on my part. He then had a major major major meltdown. 

He was shaking and not breathing and then he was screaming and crying and kicking. He couldn't calm down either. I don't know what was going on. I took him out of his high chair which seemed to make him even more mad. We tried going in the other room, going outside, talking to him and just being quiet. Chris tried to help him and I tried and nothing seemed to work. For a minute he seemed like he was going to stop so I put him back in his high chair and he started again. 

I have never seen him do anything like that before. It was a little scary. He finally calmed down but I was worried that any little thing would set him off. I don't know if he's getting sick or if he was just starving and tired or what triggered this little episode. I am praying it doesn't happen again or if it does we'll be able to help him calm down a little better. 

Brooklyn had worked so hard on the family night lesson with Mimi all day. She was so excited and had everything set up for it all day. She had planned everything out but with Gavin having a meltdown she had to do it all by herself. She gave us a little lesson on faith. She told us that "faith is when you act on something you believe in". When you do things like praying that shows faith. 

She then put on the cutest puppet show to "The Wheels On The Bus". She had all of her stuffed animals out and every character did something on the bus. Cinderella was the mom that said "shh shh shh", the Monkey's on the bus did something, the bears on the bus munched. As Daddy pointed out this was a very dangerous bus. She did such a good job. I wish I would have gotten some pictures.

Brooklyn ended her family night with some Laffy Taffy. She said we had to read the jokes and that we had to eat the candy after. We read the jokes and she laughed super hard. My favorite was one joke Chris read she laughed and laughed and then stopped and said "That really wasn't very funny". LOL

Just before bedtime Gavin said "poo poo" so I asked him if he wanted to go potty and he told me "kay". I took him upstairs and put him on the big potty and he was content as long as I let him pull toilet paper off and put it in the toilet but as soon as I stopped him he was ready to get off the potty. We then tried to get him to sit on the little potty and at least go tinkle but he wouldn't. Daddy occupied him for a little bit with some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but it didn't last. Maybe next time he will actually go pee pee in the potty. 

You're welcome :)

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