Monday, May 20, 2013

Get Real. Share Something You're Struggling With Right Now.

Day 20

Apparently blogging on the weekends isn't for me. haha

This weekend was rough. Gavin and Chris both decided it would be fun to be sick. Chris had a stomach bug and Gavin has a nasty cold... again.

Gavin has yet to go to nursery even though he's been old enough for almost two months because we've either been gone or he's been sick. I don't know if he'll ever be able to go.

My house looks like a disaster area... seriously I should have taken a picture. Gavin would feel good enough this weekend just long enough to get everything out and and make a big mess and then he would be super upset if I didn't hold him. Actually half of the time I was holding him he would still be upset. Last night he fell asleep in my arms but still needed a diaper change and woke up and wouldn't go back down until almost eleven.

A few days before he got sick his eczema started to flair up. I wondered if he would be getting sick soon after. His skin getting worse always seems like a precursor to getting sick. And ta-DA.. What do you know?  He got sick. He's got a nasty runny, boogie nose and a cough and hasn't eaten much. He is usually such a good eater.

Guess what else? Of course he has a doctor appointment today. A big appointment where if he hasn't grown they will do all sorts of blood tests to find out why he hasn't grown. :( I weighed him the other day and he was 23ish pounds which would mean he's gained weight but I'm worried since he hasn't been eating much the last few days we're going to get to the doctor and it will look like he hasn't put on any weight.

So yeah... that's something I'm struggling with.


  1. LOL, I love the look on your face in this one, defiantly shows how your weekend went.

    Sorry about the boys getting sick, that's not fun at all.
    I'm sure Gavin's apt. will go great, he is a happy and healthy little guy.

  2. My second baby has been off the bottom of the weight chart for the past 22 months... He's finally back on the height chart though!

    1. That is great he's finally back on the height chart! Yay :)
