Wednesday, June 26, 2013

4 Year Anniversary! Juneathon and Scouting

Today is our four year anniversary. I feel awful. I totally forgot this morning until I received a sweet text from my handsome man wishing me a happy anniversary. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I know we're celebrating our anniversary this weekend instead of today and part of it has to do with the fact that we have our very fist den meeting today (insert scared face).

Four years ago I married my best friend. I love Chris so much and I am so blessed to get to spend the rest of forever with him. He is such a good Dad and takes such good care of me and the kids. We're not perfect but I think we do pretty good as a team. Love you Honey Buns. (I may or may not have gotten emotional looking though our wedding pictures today.) 

 Also just a reminder that these pictures were taken by Ken Hoglund who did an amazing job if you need a photographer you should definitely contact him. I love our pictures and will treasure them always. 

We look so young!

Yesterday we spent an hour or so with the old Webelos leaders. I feel a little bit like I'm in over my head. Luckily we know so many people who know so much about scouts are and more then willing to help us along. I really don't think I know anyone that has been involved in scouts that doesn't love it. It really sounds like we've hit the jackpot with this new calling. :) We also spent time going around to all the homes of our scouts to introduce ourselves and to let the boys know when and where we'll be meeting. I also completed the Scout Safety training (Chris did his Monday), we found what looks like a brand new cub scout shirt for me at DI, picked up some books at the scouting office... basically our whole day was all about scouting. And then when we were done with everything I was talking to my mom about it all on the phone and figuring out how we are supposed to do things and we still need to get a flag... there is so much to learn! I also had dreams about den meeting and the flag ceremony... I am glad we have boys that have been in cubs for a while and will hopefully be able to help us a little.

I did not want to get up this morning... but I did. I got my running in. 3 miles. I almost forgot to re-sync my nike+ last night so just before bedtime I went for a run around the block. I think it's funny whenever I re-sync my nike+ I get an "award" that says I was active twice in one day... yes I was active twice in one day who cares that the second time it was for less than a minute lol.
Synced my nike+ last night ha ha
Pretty good run :)
Uh uh uh.. I work out!
Juneathon miles today - 3
Juneathon miles in total - 61

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