Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day, Summerfest and Juneathon

I have decided if I don't blog in the morning it doesn't get done.

This weekend was Fathers Day and Summerfest. Summerfest is extra special to me because it was my second date with Chris five years ago. We have gone to the parade every year since.
Gavin Test rode some bikes at Walmart.
These silly girls and their tomatoes. I wouldn't have eaten a tomato hidden in something when I was their age let alone eating a tomato like it is an apple. Silly girls.
Watching the Parade.
Gavin loves his Baby cousin. He always wants to hold her.
The fireworks were really close and really loud. They scared Gavin a little so Daddy was nice and covered his ears for him.
Daddy got a cymbal for fathers day a few weeks ago so he didn't get a ton on Fathers day but he was very excited to get a basketball.
Swinging munchkins at Mimi and Baka's house.
Hanging out in the hammock.
Gavin loves Mimi and Baka's swing-set.
Sometimes... Actually most of the time getting a good picture of Gavin is really hard. He wasn't too happy when we took him away from the swing-set. These kids sure love their Grandpa.


Last week sucked as far as blogging goes and this week isn't starting off too well either. I woke up in the middle of the night... well I guess technically it was Monday morning so sick (I think it was food poisoning). My body was doing all sorts of unmentionable things. I didn't go running yesterday because just getting up to go to the bathroom just about killed me. Thankfully Chris was able to come home early to help take care of Gavin... and me. 

Friday Day 14 - I went on a super short run. It was nice to be done after ten minutes. I also did some Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga. It's probably not the best yoga dvd but it still works me out and I was sore the next day. 

Saturday Day 15 - I got up early and went for a long run. It was actually my longest run to date. I knew there was a city 5k that day and tried to find a map of where it was or something but couldn't find anything. I thought the website said it started at the city office building. .... Yeah it didn't. Luckily I started my run a good 50 minutes before the 5k actually started. 

A little slow but I'm still proud I went as far as I did.
So much for avoiding the 5k.
Juneathon miles Friday - 1
Juneathon miles Saturday - 6.5
Juneathon miles in total - 47

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