Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Juneathon... a Little Catch-Up

Day 8 -Saturday I went on a little bit longer of a run. It was a good run. I got out a little later then I was planning but it was nice to sleep in.

Day 9 - Sunday I took the day off.

Day 10 - Monday.. I haven't had a chance to upload my runs to Nike yet but I went 3 miles with a pace around 9'50" (ish) a little later in the day on a treadmill because it was too hot to run outside. 

Day 11 - Today I went 3 miles with a pace of 10'18" and my calves were burning. I think something about running on the treadmill yesterday afternoon threw me. I haven't run on a treadmill for a long time. I miss the days I could go run on my lunch in the cardio cinema. But... running outside is beautiful and I'm so glad I get to see the sun rise on days like today. 
 It was a beautiful morning. When I see mornings like today all I can think of is that little poem... "Red in the Morning a sailors warning. Red and night a sailors delight. " Something like that.

We had a pretty laid back weekend it was so hot and we didn't want to spend too much time outside. Andrea also had her mission farewell so we spent some time with the family for that. And to top off the fun weekend we went to a Lorax party for our friend Bentley. She is so cute and her mom did such a great job with the party. She even had a super cute Lorax themed tutu and outfit. 

Brooklyn is the best big sister.
Feeding the Baby.
Going for a walk before bedtime.
Shoe Shopping.
We went to the neighborhood BBQ this weekend.
Swimming in their little pool and having a blast... I promise Brooklyn had more fun then it looks like. Haha
Mimi gave everyone (well in the family) little missionary name tags to remember Andrea while she is gone. The kids loved them and they look so cute.  I know they will be great missionaries one day too. Trying to get pictures of Gavin was way to hard. I need to remember we can't take pictures at a park with him.
At Bentley's party. The kids had so much fun! I think it was extra fun because there were so many kids there for them to play with. It makes me want to have a big family.
 This week in our city they are having a summer festival they call the Summer Splash. We've always said we're going to go to something but somehow we haven't made it to anything until this year. Last night they had a chalk drawing contest and music at the park. Because I'm a genius I thought I forgot my camera and then realized I had it once we got home. Chris took a couple of pictures for me. There were some pretty amazing pictures. I think my favorite was the Phineas and Ferb. The guy was still working on it when we walked by. He said he had been working on it for 2 hours and had blisters. Whew! That is dedication.
This Phineas and Ferb drawing got second place.
This Lego Man got first place.
Juneathon miles Saturday - 5.3
Juneathon miles Monday - 3
Juneathon miles today -  3
Juneathon miles in total - 32.9


  1. Those chalk drawings are pretty amazing. And that picture with your husband and lil ones is pretty awesome with how vibrant the colors are. I sometimes forget how beautiful Utah is, especially when it's all green in the summer.

    Nice job on Juneathon! I know it's a ways out (10 months), but you should run SLC next spring! Yes?? :]

    1. That would be way fun! I definitely need a long time to prepare for something like that :)
