Thursday, June 13, 2013

Juneathon 12 & 13

Who would have thought the blogging part of Juneathon would be the harder part for me? Not me... that's for sure. My schedule has been all sorts of messed up this week but I have made sure to get my running in.

Andrea left for the MTC yesterday and I still need to blog about that.

Day 12

Yesterday was a good run. I started to look at a training schedule for a 10k and I'm just not sure if I'm ready to run 12 miles yet to prepare. That just seems really far. I'm too slow to run that far. It would take me forever! I ran on a treadmill yesterday which probably made it an easier run. Even though it was "easier" I still got a great workout and I got super sweaty. I think I sweat more when I run on a treadmill.... so gross.

Day 13

I was surprised it was still 74 degrees in my house when I woke up this morning. It was a little cooler then that outside but still too warm for a jacket. My run was good. It was a nice shortish one. 

I think back to Jr. High and High school and being required to run two miles and it just seemed awful and so far to run. I never ever thought I would run farther then that regularly. 

I got into running a few years ago before I got pregnant with my son. When I found out I was pregnant I was worried about working out too hard and causing problems with the pregnancy so I stopped... I wish I wouldn't have. Getting back into running is hard sometimes. In the beginning I have to tell myself I like it because after I don't run for a while I start thinking I hate running. 

I have never trained for anything and don't really know much about running. I basically know my shoes are for running because my Nike+ chip fits in it. Maybe I should do some research and learn a little more about running because there is a very real possibility I'm doing it wrong. 

Juneathon miles yesterday - 4.1
Juneathon miles today - 2.5
Juneathon miles in total - 39.5

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